Thursday, November 15, 2007

Legal Defense Funds Not Just for the Mighty

Following reports that supporters of former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales have created a trust fund to help pay for his legal expenses in the event that Gonzales faces criminal charges, a Kansas man facing possible drug possession charges announced similar plans.

"I am calling on my friends and supporters to help me in my time of need," Jack Brohamer wrote in an e-mail solicitation to potential contributors, "I am completely innocent, as this is a complete misunderstanding involving poor outdoor lighting and strong incense, but I do not have the means to pay for a proper legal defense since I have spent most of my career in low-paying jobs. Contributions are not tax-deductibel [sic], but are much appreciated."

Brohamer's appeal paralleled efforts mounted on behalf of Mr. Gonzales. A colleague of Gonzales's sent a similar e-mail seeking help to defray potential legal expenses.

Ian Bledsoe, a friend of Brohamer's, explained that "In the hyper-politicized atmosphere that surrounds drug use in the Plains states, a good man like Jack cannot simply trust that the truth will win out. He must obtain the best representation money can buy. And, ideally, a little will be left over to purchase some much-needed Cheetos and herbal refreshment in the event that Jack gets off."

A contribution form attached to Brohamer's email suggests contributions from $5 to $100. The Topeka District Attorney's office's investigation of Brohamer is likely to conclude later this month. So far, Brohamer's fund has collected $35.28, including two anonymous contributions of $5 each and a $15 contribution from a local 7-11 Brohamer frequents.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear a donation to the gonzales defense fund is deductible if taken before Jan 09. The same doesn't go for Brohamer

12:34 AM  

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